Thursday, August 20, 2009

Every Girl Needs A Sole Mate

We have been waiting to find this product for so long! I knew it had to exist ( some smart woman out there was sure to invent them). and now they are here!!

Have you ever been walking outside and the heel of your favorite shoe got stuck in the grass or in the grate on a sidewalk. You not only risk twisting your ankle you usually end up tearing apart the heels on your favorite shoes! Well not anymore!!

We now carry the perfect antidote to that problem. It's called the Solemates High Heeler and it will save you from ending up face first in the grass in your favorite silk dress that is only dry cleanable. They are only $12.00 for a clear pair and you can transfer them from shoe to shoe. I bought my first pair the very first day we put them out in our store! Can't wait to use them!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Amelishan Isn't All About Weddings!

We're about baby's too! And when we found out that Megan, our Merchandising Manager was pregnant we were so excited. Megan has been with us for 2 years and has played such an important role in our family here. And she is so happy to be starting her own little family! We just had her Baby Shower and I wanted to share some of the photos with you all. I love all of the blue and brown gifts which are going to go in her Blue and Brown baby's room! (Yes, it's a boy!)
She's due in October so when you see her congratulate her! She's the cutest little glowing pregnant person I've ever seen!